Thursday, March 20, 2008

On Every Great Man (In NASCAR), There Used to be a Great 'Stache

Follow the link below for a great ESPN story on the sad decline(?) of the mustache in what was once the sport of Mustache Kings...

Dale Earnhardt, we hardly knew ye...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Sun Never Sets on the Imperial 'Stache

Lest we become overly enraptured with the current tide of mustache popularity, we remember those times in the past and surely, those in the future, when mustaches have, and will once again, be thinned out.

Such was the case for the British as they jaunted across the globe in the 19th and 20th centuries, riding their face growth to astonishing highs and nauseating lows, as this article from London's Daily Mail (where we got the above picture) points out: